After shock

It has been ten days. Tens days since I harvested my first deer. The feeling was something like no other. Imagine it now. Your heart is pounding. The air growing thin. Shaky hands. Sweaty palms. Tunnel vision like nothing I’ve ever experienced. The harvesting of this animal could feed my family for a good while. Knowing that I would be the one to provide multiple meals that are not only healthy, but also very much loved by my entire family made me happy in a way I could not even explain. The feeling is surreal. After this experience, I have grown to respect these animals like never before. It happened so quickly, but also felt like an eternity. Ten days later and I am still feeling like it just happened. As outdoorsmen, we have a respect for nature like no one else. We see what it is capable of. We see firsthand the benefits of the life that chose us. It’s not a choice. It’s something deep inside. It’s something we are born with. It’s within our soul. These are the moments we live for. The adrenaline. The joy. The memories. The respect. The sadness. The lifelong friends made along the way. The after shock.

The “Real” House Wives

I seriously can not deal.  This post is more of a vent than anything else. How do these women call themselves real? When I think of them, what comes to mind is petty, immature, and pretty much useless. I’ve never been one of those women and maybe this is why I think of them in this way. I’ve always been independent and never needed a man or needed to be married to man to have or get what I want. I was taught growing up that needs come first and you must work for what you need and if you have extra left over its best to save. A splurge for yourself is good for special occasions. This I always believed is to keep myself grounded and never get ahead of myself. Maybe I should embrace being a woman a little more but when I actually look at the big picture I know better than that.

What kind of person would I be if I couldn’t take care of things when my husband is gone? What kind of person would I be if my husband calls and needs me to run to the parts store for our business and couldn’t figure out what he needed? What kind of person would I be if I couldn’t fix the water pipes that bust at 1030 at night to make sure my kids have running water in the morning?

I tell you this…. I wouldn’t be the person I am today.


Battle of the Sexes?

I’ve always been extremely independent. Having two young girls and a husband who works on the road, I told myself that I must teach them that no matter what happens in life, you need to be able to provide for yourself. I’ve begun teaching them how to hunt and fish (which surprisingly, they have both taken an interest in, thank goodness and also both understand that you cant hunt whenever you like, there is a special season for that). I’ve shown them how to can fruit, even though I honestly don’t think they cared much for that.

Today while my oldest daughter is off to school to enjoy the last remaining days of kindergarten, my youngest and I decided it was time to build a new bed frame. She was sure right there beside me the entire time asking what tools i need and what we needed to do next. She is a trooper.

With mother’s day as well as father’s day fast approaching, I feel the strong urge to thank the moms and dads out there who play both roles every day. I never did understand why only women were told happy mother’s day where there are men out there who do more for their kids than the mother ever would or could. Same goes for women. There are women who have to step in and be both the mother and father. Kudos to all the men and women who wear both hats. I’ve experienced both. During the week when my husband is on the road driving to all these different locations, i see to it that both my girls get a good balance of the loving and nurturing side of a mother as well as the dirty gritty side of a man. We play soccer and feed the ducks and go check for eggs. We also go fishing but on the same hand we will come inside i teach them to cook and fold clothes and we play games and have cuddle time with movies and popcorn. I’m the one who kisses scrapes but will also tell them to get up and dust themselves off when I know they will be just fine.


There should be a “Parents Day” for all the moms and dads who devote their lives to their children and wear those 2 hats each and every day.

Independant Women

Thumbs up to all you ladies out there who don’t need a man. 👍 I know I dont. Today is blistering in the south Louisiana heat. As my fiancé is at work and only home on the weekends that leaves me to take care of the household and everything around for the week. Well…. with that being said, today was one of those wonder woman days. Actually got to sleep in today. But not long after I awoke the fit hit the shan. After lunch I loaded my girls up and went to the bank. About 100 yards down the road the AC in my truck gives out. Lawd! Not today! Got my business done in town and I was making my way back home, I get a phone call from my neighbor(who happens to be a retired Vietnam vet – thank you sir for your service). His truck won’t crank. Ok no big deal. Well as I drive up to his home, I am informed that I must pull his truck out of the driveway to get it close enough to mine to jump start it. After the chain pops a few times we finally get it out the drive and I’m hooking it up to jump. No go. The starter is out. Lawd I get under there and beat on the starter to get it cranked. Viola! That works. In thr meantime my girls are sweating in the truck even with the windows down. Back to town we go! Pull up to the parts place and this is a small town where everyone knows your name and your kids and your parents and the whole family. The kids get down to find out her family members in there. Now they get prizes  of m&ms and soda, while I am outside with thr owner figuring out its my blower motor for my AC that went out. Alright. Write me up for that and I’ll meet you at the counter. Get home and change my own blower motor. there needs to be more women out there like us few. A dying breed. An independant woman. Now to cook dinner. A mother/woman’s work is never done.

I love it when a man tells me I can’t do something. Sweetheart I will prove you wrong faster than you can say I’m weak or inferior again. There have been days that I’m called before another man to help out. Putting up fence, feeding cattle, changing the oil. You name it, I’m pretty sure I have done it.

To the women out there – don’t ever let a man say you can’t do something. Even if you never have before. There’s the Internet to walk you through it step by step. Put your mind to it. You CAN do it. You are strong. You are smart. You are an independant woman.

Writer’s Block

Writer’s block…..  I strongly dislike that phrase. For a few years now I have wanted to write a book on top of everything else I want to do. And that includes my boutique for baby items (which hopefully will up and running online through etsy soon). I have actually started with the book on previous posts on WordPress. Parts 1, 2, and 3. It’s not much but it’s a start. It’s more than I can say for other people. Eventually one of these days something new will come to me and I will finally be able to finish it. I would like to think. There have been so many things stopping me from the completion of my book. Including writers block. Not that I am a real writer. Some actuall authors might take offense if I claim to be a real writer. I’m just an average person who wants to put my thoughts on paper for the world to share with me.  Now…. about this writer’s block, it’s strange. Things will come to me in the most inconvenient of times. Now, ask me if I can remember these things when I actually sit down to put the pen to paper? That’s a big negative. Eventually I will learn to carry a pen and notepad with me at all times. Until then…. I guess I will just keep on keeping on as the people around here say.

Leading Ladies

You ever heard the saying “Well behaved women seldom make history”? Well, I have. And it seems to me that this may have a bit of truth to it. Think about it. I mean REALLY think about it. There are numerous women who became household names due to the fact that they didn’t just roll over and obey every word spoken to them. They went out and did something out of the ordinary. While not every action they are known for is that of of being a slut, but there are some women who just went beyond the expectations of those around them.

Let’s look at some of the past as well as present female icons.

The first that comes to mind is Amelia Earhart. Look what she did. I mean come on now. She was the first woman to fly SOLO across the Atlantic. That is amazing.

Next one up is the iconic Marilyn Monroe. While this wasn’t her given name, she sure made this stage name well known for less than reputable ways.

Who could forget Twiggy. She made a fashion statement. It’s not every day that something like this happens to this extent and people still love her photo from decades ago.

Now for a complete throw back…. Sappho. She was one of thr first women to have her writing published. Now that deserves some serious recognition.

Another leading lady I would like to recognize is Elizabeth Blackwell. She was the first woman to recieve a medical degree and the first woman in the UK to be on a medical roster.

And Marie Curie. She was the first woman to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Kudos to you!

And for the winner of the spot for the most recent has to go to Kim Kardashian. Selfie queen herself. She has become a household name from a sex tape. That would be so embarrassing for that to get out. Such an intimate thing for the world to experience. But hey, I’m not the judge nor am I the jury so props to you girl. You made something out of yourself from nothing. Good for you!

And the list goes on and on. There are no words to describe these women. They all have a place in history with many many more that I haven’t listed.

This was just on my mind and spur of thr moment but I think it’s something that every woman needs to know if they don’t already. Empower yourself. Don’t take no for an answer. This is your life. Make it just as special as you are.

Business mindset

The way I think about the business world is that there are two different types of people. There are the go-getters as well as the only barely-theres. The barely there’s are the people who just aimlessly make their way through each day like a real life robot. I, myself, like to consider myself a go-getter. On some levels, that is.

Being a woman, it’s not as easy being successful in the south as it is for a man. Most little girls grownup dreaming of their wedding and someday being a loving mother and wife. Now me, on the other hand, I dreamed of having my own business. Now what business that would be, I could never decide. It wasn’t until after both of my babies were born that I bought my first sewing machine. It was then that I had finally found my calling.

Being at the desk with that machine made me feel alive. It made me feel empowered. And to top it off, my beautiful little girls now have lots of new clothes and other goodies to show for it.

Now trying to actually make the things I want and sell them is a different story all together. Trying to get all of the funds together to purchase everything I need is a headache. I want to start making things now. It’s my passion. It’s what I love. But I am a very impatient person when it comes to things like this.

I kmow deep down that success wasn’t achieved over night. And with this I can not lose my focus.

And with all this being said, going back to an earlier point, I do not understand how some people just go through the every day motions and not try to achieve their goals. It’s cliché, I know, but I seriously believe that if there is a will there is a way. I know that once you find what makes you happy, there is no stopping someone who wants to be successful.

Part 3

Sitting there at my old, extremely creaky table with 4 mismatched chairs with a man I barely know, I couldn’t help but wonder what my parents would think about this. Surely, mom would give me one of her well known lectures on strangers. I think every kid I brought around as a child got some kind of lecture from mom. She sure knew how to kill the fun before it even started.

“Ma’am I just have to say that you’re parents were some great people. They called me to come help out around here taking care of little odd and end jobs when you left. They told me all kinds of stories. All good of course” he said with a smile and wink which just made me adore him even more. “Glad they painted a nice picture of me. I didn’t want the neighborhood thinking I was some kind of wild child who ran off the first chance she got.”

After exchanging a few more stories and sharing lots of much needed laughs, the inevitable happens. I see his laughter stop and the atmosphere around us goes from light and fun to heavy and much to real. “Ma’am” he says, “do you mind telling me what happened? To your parents I mean.”

Oh no. What now. I knew it was eventually going to happen but I didn’t expect it to be now, today, the first time I meet this man. “Well you see…. I miss them so much. I remember talking to them earlier that afternoon. They were so happy to hear from me. I was so busy with school. If I had only called more or even came home” I began to cry. “No please don’t cry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted to know. I should have waited until you were ready to say something.”

Part 2

As I finally finish sipping my coffee, the dust has settled from this unknown and unannounced visitor. I have made my way back into my little shabby cabin to put my lone cherished coffee mug into the sink and not quite seconds later I hear the rumble from the big diesel motor come to halt.

Back on the front porch I hear the slam of a truck door and look up to see this beautiful, green-eyed, scruffy faced man standing before me. It’s at this time I can feel the flush creep up my neck and spread slowly across my cheeks.

Once I catch my breath I am able to gather my scattered wits and regain some, hopefully most, of my composure.

Shuffling from foot to foot I am finally able to make eye contact with this abnormally beautiful man. As our eyes meet I notice his perfect, lop-sided cowboy smile. Apparently he thinks something is funny. I think to myself that I sure as hell hope it isn’t me!

After the strange but somehow gratifying staring match I finally begin to speak when he cuts me off with the deep southern drawl that most people from around this part of the country are sure to have. “Mornin’ lady. Just thought I’d come introduce myself seeing that I’m your closest neighbor. The name’s Jace. Jace Franklin. Sure is nice to finally meet a pretty little thing like you.” I was stunned. Certainly the closest neighbor I have is no less than a few miles down these pitiful, pot-hole ridden roads. “Sorry to just show up with no notice but I been trying to do what I can around here after what happened to the Johnson’s. Sure was a shock to all us here” he added.

Just as I begin to introduce myself, he once again cuts me off. “Ma’am” he says, “I couldn’t help but wonder what you’re doin’ here at the old Johnson place.” “Well Mr. Franklin, this old Johnson place happens to belong to me now. You see, it was my parents who had this place before the accident. I was away at college over at Mississippi State when I got the call. Ain’t been back since the funeral. It’s all still too fresh. But I gotta admit I just couldn’t see myself letting this place get all run down and worthless.”

Not knowing why, I couldn’t help but feel that I had known him for much longer than just the past few minutes. Feeling at ease with this beautiful man, I did something I NEVER DO. “You know Mr. Franklin…” “Please miss. Call me Jace” he added with a smile. “Well alright Jace…. you wanna join me inside for a cup of fresh coffee? You can tell me all you know of my parents.” I couldn’t help but react to that perfect smile that even made his eyes twinkle like nothing I had ever seen before. Just like two polished brilliant diamonds. As we make our way up to the porch and to the door, I feel him hurry around me to get the door and I know I have come across a true southern gentleman.